RUN50 Starts Tomorrow

 Photo Courtesy of Pastor Ferdie Cabiling’s Facebook page

Photo Courtesy of Pastor Ferdie Cabiling’s Facebook page

Pastor Ferdie Cabiling populary known as the “Running Pastor”, will start his running journey tomorrow across the Philippines. He attempts to run 50 kilomters a day in less than 50 days at the age of 50 from September to October starting from Maasim , Sarangani to Aparri, Cagayan.

He discovered his passion in running when he was still single then he found out he’s good at it. His first marathon was Run For Pasig River Marathon 2009, where he crossed ten bridges across metro Manila.

Photo Courtesy of

Photo Courtesy of

In March 2011, he and his teamates (Joshua Suarez, Junn Besana,  Paul Bajo and Alden Meneses)  completed 102km Bataan Death March ultramarathon. They were able to raise half a million for Real Life Foundation scholars.

Tomorrow, days before his birthday, marks the start of RUN 50 which aims to raise 2 million pesos to send 250 scholars of Real Life Foundation to school.

His 7 reasons behind RUN50:

1.  For Health

As a fifty year old man, he needs to have discipline to maintain a healthy and fit body. He also tried triathlon in 2008 but he realized that he just need one discipline, so he chose his passion which is running.

2. For Real Life Foundation

According to Ptr. Ferdie there are two kinds of poverty. First is the lack of material things but the worst kind of poverty is breaking down of hope in the hearts of every Filipino. His vision is to help one kid at a time by giving them opportunity and access to college education besides the gospel of Christ. In Run50, his goal is to raise one thousand pesos per kilometer.

3. For Peace

He will have courtesy calls to the town and city halls of places he will run past. He plans to meet the local government leaders of each town to pray for them and share the gospel.

4. For Victory and Evangelical Christians

Sunday is his rest day to preach at Victory Churches and other evangelical churches. He aims to promote camaraderie between evangelical pastors.

5. For a treat

It will be a treat to run across the nation and see the beauty of God’s creation by foot. He appreaciate the place better when he is running.

6. For those who can’t run

His son , John Philip is his inspiration and motivation in every run he undertakes. The 11-year old boy was diagnosed with Sturge-Weber syndrome which affects the motor skills of the kid, hindering him from running properly, something his dad can do very well.

7. For God’s Glory

As a believer, he run for God’s glory and pleasure.

“I believe God made me for a purpose and he also made me fast, When I run, I feel His pleasure.”

– Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire 1981

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Photo Courtesy of

Pastor Ferdie has been in the business of serving people for more than 30 years. He is a fulltime pastor, currently assigned as the Executive Director of Victory Metro Manila. This race is more than reaching the finish line but it is more about the passion of Pastor Ferdie to reach out the next generation to dream big. As Philippines is one of the youngest nation in Asia, he motivates the youth not just to finish college, but also to have a sustaining hope to pursue their God’s calling.

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

-Hebrews 12:1

To follow Pastor Ferdie’s running adventures follow Pastor Ferdie on Twitter (@ferdiecabiling) (@runningpastor), Facebook ( follow the hashtags #RUNACROSSTHEPH or visit his website at

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